IN-Person Absentee Voting will be at the Town Hall on MONDAY, MARCH 28–Dump Hours 1-4 pm OR SATURDAY, APRIL 2–Dump Hours 10 am -1 pm ONLY. NO VOTING on Monday, April 4.
Request for mailed absentee ballots require a signed completed application form: Click Voters, then from drop down menu click: Absentee Voting. Find link to Application For Absentee Ballot (EL-121), complete and return to Clerk before March 15. Please include phone number and email.
Ballots may be mailed to W2170 Hickory Hills Ct, Cambpellsport or dropped off by the requestor only, not family members, and given directly to the Clerk at the Town Hall. NO DROP BOX. Call ahead for drop off appointment: 920-979-8651 or use dates and times above.
Thank you,
Kay Wege, Clerk